Friday, December 27, 2019

13 embarrassing self-help books that actually worked for us

13 embarrassing self-help books that actually worked for us13 embarrassing self-help books that actually worked for usAs a diehard literary snob who once had to shut a book club down because it got too popular, this doesnt come easily to me I like the occasional self-help book.This is a list of the books that arent showcased on my bookshelf. I havent read them in coffee shops. If youre like me, you would probably rip the covers off them, download them to your Kindle, buy them on Audible long before devouring.Tzu siches a good reason for that fruchtwein self-help books are as awful as their horrendously designed covers imply. But in the saturated world of self-improvement, self-confidence, all the selfs, there are plenty of self-help books that will change the way you think, see, do, and act. These are a few of our favorites - and of course, if youve got any recommendations hit us up.1. YOU ARE A BADASS By Jen SinceroLets just start with the most obvious option, the self-help book du jour You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. When our CEO, Lauren and I were flying to a work event, and I needed something to read at the airport, she put it this way, It looks like it would be terrible, but actually, I think youll really like it. And I did, I really did.Essentially, its a modern take (read full of snarky commentary and swear words) on the whole if you believe it, it will happen juju thing. Bonus Sincero includes a list of all her favorite self-help books in the back, which are definitely worth looking into.2. FEELING GOOD THE NEW MOOD THERAPY By David D. BurnsMy therapist specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and often hands me Xeroxed copies of pages or exercises to work on between sessions. Because Im a bit of an overachiever, I sometimes look the books up on Amazon and buy them outright. Feeling Good is one of those books. That glaring yellow cover makes you think youre about to open something absurd, but actually, its written by one of the forefathers of CBT.For those of you that arent familiar, heres my (very) unprofessional explanation the idea is that you see the world through a lens of your own making and, by adjusting that lens, you can improve how you feel. Basically, you cant control what other people do, but you can control how you react to it. Its interesting and also effective - hence why many therapists out there specialize in CBT.3. LOVING WHAT IS By Byron KatieI read this book years ago but just recently revisited it. When I checked into a hip hotel in Berlin earlier this summer, every room had a complimentary copy. And when on that same trip my boyfriend and I broke up, skimming it again brought some much-needed relief. Katies method involves journaling your negative thoughts or beliefs - anything from my ex is awful for breaking up with me in Berlin (ahem) to my father was a horrible parent to As a black woman, I hate white people because theyre scary (two-thirds of the book is comprised of real examples) - and t hen asking yourself four questions to challenge those beliefs or assumptions.Some people argue this is Katies method is just an informal version of CBT, which I get having read Feeling Good as well.4. THE CREATIVE HABIT By Twyla TharpArguably, this isnt an embarrassing self-help book at all. Twyla Tharp is a famous choreographer and a total badass whose book is perfectly acceptable on your coffee table. The Creative Habit is smart, beautifully designed, and unique. So just read it. (Im obsessed with this thing she does with collecting inspiration like magazine pages and cassette tapes in physical boxes to revisit them later.)5. THE SEAT OF THE SOUL By Gary ZukovConfession I have not read this yet. Its on this list because the friend I stayed within Berlin after my breakup (We know, we know.) told me that reading The Seat of the Soul convinced her to end a three-year relationship with her boyfriend who wouldnt commit and move to Germany on her own without a real plan. Shes happy, thr iving, and one of the most stable women I know, so yeah, Im reading this next.6. WABI SABI FOR ARTISTS, DESIGNERS, POETS PHILOSOPHERS By Leonard KorenAs noted in the books title, this is a read thats resolutely directed at creatives. That said, its a breath of fresh air for anyone whos interested in design thinking (i.e. focusing on how to solve problems by redesigning the processes), which should be pretty much anyone. I cant remember now which company makes this required reading for all its new employees (Twitter? Instagram? Zappos?), but thats the context in which I first heard about it. It makes sense given that Koren explains the philosophy like this Pare down to the essence, but dont remove the poetry. Keep things clean and unencumbered, but dont sterilize.7. THE ARTIST WAY By Julia CameronStuck in a creative rut? This book is renowned for a reason. Julia Cameron is/was a writer, director, playwright, etc. who (after she quit drinking) started teaching other people how to co nquer creative blocks, which ultimately turned into a book. Most people have a love-hate relationship with The bewegungsknstlers Way - indeed, if you Google it, youll find countless articles about why it drives people crazy - but its also brilliant in its simplicity and focuses on action.According to the New Yorker, its a book that can be classified as self-help but is more like common sense a program designed to help readers reject the devils of self-doubt on their shoulders and pursue creative activity not as a profession but as a form of therapy. The action part involves writing morning pages AKA free-form journaling every day. Theres also the artists date which involves taking yourself to one cultural place per week. Straightforward, right?8. INTUITIVE EATINGBy Evelyn Tribole and Elise ReschThis is a book I often re-read when Im feeling self-conscious about my body or how Ive been treating it. And honestly, even if shes a diehard feminist committed to body acceptance, what wo man doesnt have those days? Were imperfect. Intuitive eating is about tuning into your own hunger and needs and finally letting go of the diet mindsets most of us have. Its interesting, though. Once you grasp the concept, you start thinking about how you can focus on mindfulness and making intuitive decisions in other aspects of your life including relationships and work. Hence why it made this list.9. HOLD ME TIGHT SEVEN CONVERSATIONS FOR A LIFETIME OF LOVE By Dr. Sue JohnsonI came to this book after Googling relationship fight loops because my ex-boyfriend and I always seemed to be in them. The search returned a hit for an article in The Cut that seemed to be about us (but was actually about the writer and her husband).There are several interesting concepts in Dr. Johnsons approach, which shes termed emotionally-focused couples therapy. One of them is that in a society that primes us to believe we shouldnt need anyone as adults, its precisely that lack of vulnerability thats destr oying our relationships. Theres also this thing called demon dialogues - including fight loops - which are the patterns we problem into when were fighting with someone we love. Johnson argues that if we can recognize them as theyre happening, a miraculous thing happens the behavior becomes the enemy, not your partner. Did it save my relationship? No, but now I realize nothing could have. That said, those loops we had became much more infrequent.10. 10% HAPPIER By Dan HarrisI came late to the Dan Harris craze by way of this documentary called Minimalism, which frankly, I thought was awful. Still, I liked some of the premise, and when the cameras panned to Harris, I perked right up. A self-medicating spiral, a panic attack on national news- this is one of those personal narratives that screams If hes figured this out, maybe I can, too. Thats about when Harris found meditation. This book takes the heaviness out of meditating, which makes it feel much more accessible than I ever consi dered it could be.11. ZEN MIND, BEGINNERS MIND By Shunru SuzukiWhen I left my first full-time job at a music ticketing startup, one of the most zen (couldnt help myself) people Ive ever met handed me a copy of this. Hed somehow sensed how stressed out I was at work - hence why Id applied to and found a new job - and he recommended giving this a try. I was like Yeah, okay, Joe, thanks a lot. But I did read it, and he was right, it helps. Thus, it became my first ever experience with an embarrassing self-help book that actually works.12. YOULL landsee IT WHEN YOU BELIEVE IT By Wayne DyerThis is our editorial assistant, Jacquelines dads favorite self-help book. And if you met Jacqueline or heard stories about her dad and the kinds of zen AF things he texts her every day (this mornings was Im honored to be your dad and to be loved by you), youd want to read it, too.13. YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE By Louise HayThis is another one of those change your life via positive thinking self-help boo ks, which can definitely start to feel clich. Except heres the thing it was one of the very first. Shes also the originator of all behauptung affirmations such as life loves you and only good can come to me. So heres what Id say read as much of it as you can before the metaphysical bits start to drive you nuts, take the parts you like, leave the ones you dont. But coming from someone who hated the idea of affirmations youll be shocked to realize how much they actually work.Thisarticlefirst appeared onCareer Contessa.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Rajaratnam Found Guilty on All 14 Accounts

Rajaratnam Found Guilty on All 14 AccountsRajaratnam Found Guilty on All 14 AccountsOh, dude, Raj is f-ed.Indeed he is, Rengan. The Galleon founder and now convicted inside trader stands to serve 19 and a half years in prison for his crimes nine counts of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and five counts of securities fraud. The unanimous verdict came back earlier today after 11 days of deliberation (and one juror change).The verdict was not a surpristing one, as many close observers of the trial believed Rajs defense team could not beat the mountain of evidence presented by the prosecution. Particularly damning were the 45 wire-tapped phone conversations between Raj Raj and his co-conspirators (including his brother Rengan Rajaratnam), many of who have pleaded guilty to insider trading charges of their own.While he awaits sentencing in July, Raj Raj will not be behind bars, but he will be fitted with an electronic device to monitor his whereabouts. Presumably, he will not be mak ing too many phone calls.Though a huge blow to Raj Raj and his defense team (which will be entering an appeal), the guilty verdict was a huge win for the SEC, which has come under fire for not convicting any men, women or children in the wake of the financial crisis. However, the Commission has done a pretty good job of nailing inside traders, and Raj Raj is by far their biggest catch yet.(WSJ Galleon Founder Raj Rajaratnam Convicted)(Related Take the RRAT (Raj Rajaratnam Aptitude Test), I Rest My Case, Says Raj Rajaratnam, Why the Rajaratnam Trial Will Increase the Greed on Wall Street)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Further Reading

Further ReadingFurther Readingwww.soa.orgThe homepage of the Society of Actuaries. This extremely valuable site includes a job board, networking contacts and actuarial exam study guides and enrollment information.www.casact.orgThe homepage of the Casualty Actuarial Society. This site includes much of the latest research for actuaries in the casualty and insurance fields. It, too, includes a job board and networking information, and cross-links heavily with the SOA site.www.actuary.orgThe American Academy of Actuaries. This group is involved in research and best-practices for the industry, from pensions and insurance to expanding fields of actuarial practice. It publishes Contingencies, a journal that keeps actuaries up to date on the latest thinking in the field.www.abcdboard.orgThe Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline. This group serves as the overseer of the Code of Actuarial Conduct and violations thereof.www.aerf.orgThe Actuarial Foundation. This not-for-profit group hel ps educate the public as to what actuaries can do. They sponsor public outreach and educational efforts, help conduct research into actuarial science and provide a variety of scholarships.www.blackactuaries.orgThe zwischenstaatlich Association of Black Actuaries. This group promotes African-Americans in the actuarial field.www.actuarialstandardsboard.orgThe Actuarial Standards Board. This group gets into the minutiae of good practices for actuaries.www.aspa.orgThe American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries. This is a professional group for actuaries in the pension industry. It hosts conferences and publishes the latest research into pension activities.www.ccactuaries.orgThe Conference of Consulting Actuaries. A great resource for those considering entering the consulting field. This group holds annual conferences and smaller gatherings, and provides a lot of networking opportunities.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How Employees Volunteering Can Boost Your Business

How Employees Volunteering Can Boost Your BusinessHow Employees Volunteering Can Boost Your BusinessVolunteering outside of work is important to many employees, but it isnt always easy for busy professionals to find the time. There is an obvious downside to your employees being unable to schedule time for volunteering Philanthropic organizations in your community, and the people and causes they serve, miss out on much-needed extra hilfe. But there is something else you may not have considered Your workers lose a valuable opportunity to improve their sense of well-being and effectiveness at the office.Thats right. By volunteering outside of work, your employees can perform better at work. A Robert Half survey found that 61 percent of U.S. workers believe that taking part in philanthropic activities outside of the office enhances their wellness - for example, by helping them find better work-life balance. This, in turn, allows them to be more effective while on the job.A helping hand for helping handsGiving your employees time to volunteer can also have a positive impact on your firms ability to attract top talent. Managers may find that encouraging their employees to volunteer is a beneficial recruitment and zurckhalten tool, says Paul McDonald, senior executive director at Robert Half. Many professionals value the chance to give back to causes that are important to them and their community.Happy workers will be more likely to stay with your organization for the long term. Youll also likely find many potential hires, particularly from Generation Y and Generation Z, will want to know whether your organization helps employees to give back. In fact, its important for employers to note that respondents to our survey who identified with these two demographic groups were more likely to report that they donated their time to volunteer activities.The value the youngest workforce group places on philanthropy echoes findings from Robert Halfs Get Ready for Generation Z r eport, which showed these employees will accept lower pay to work for a cause they care about. Many of these professionals, and others, want to work for geschftliches miteinanderes with a good reputation that engage in activities and support causes that are meaningful to them.Doing good works and earning goodwillIn addition to providing more flexible scheduling arrangements so that your employees can find time to volunteer, you may want to consider increasing your organizations direct involvement in the community. It can help you build goodwill for your firm, including among people who may not be familiar with your business. And, of course, it will provide the opportunity for your organization and its workers to do good things for others in need, which is what giving back is all about.Here are three ways to get started1. Focus on select local organizationsNo matter the size of your firm, your business does not have infinite resources. So youll want to be selective in terms of the nu mber of organizations you choose to support. Ask your employees for their recommendations, and consider setting up a formal committee to research organizations and find out which ones would benefit most from the donations of time and other resources by your business and its workers.2. Make it a team effortAs they say, there is power in numbers. Encourage all of your employees to take part in at least one of the causes your business elects to support. You can also help to amplify your workers efforts for charitable activities outside of work, too, by establishing matching gifts or grant programs.3. Dont wait for the holidaysDont wait for a season reason for your business to make a positive impact in your local community. There are a wide range of service opportunities available to your firm and your employees throughout the year - from park cleanups to afterschool programs to athletic events for a good cause.Giving back is good, so you and your employees should strive to do so all y ou can, as often as you can. Your community will thank you. And as our research shows, your workers will be grateful, too.Download our corporate citizenship report for an in-depth look at Robert Halfs ongoing commitment to the people and businesses we serve worldwide. Tags

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Where to Find Resume Genuis

Where to Find Resume Genuis Be certain youre likewise elend making up your skills merely to fit the job requirements. You may find below a list of the greatest skills you may put on your resume based on the kind of job which you are applying for. Relating your strengths to the requirements of the organization and the work immediately indicates that youve spent time contemplating the position. Education and skills qualifies an applicant for additional processing but doesnt necessarily mean immediate success. The Pain of Resume Genuis Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. Hard skills arent skills that are difficult to learn. Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which it is possible to learn. 3 First, you should select the best skills for your resume. After you have your objectives, you may now begin making your Administrative Assistant Resumes. Someone states that resumes are dead and its imp ortant to have social media, but practice indicates that recruiters continue to find applicants resume, choose more relevant ones and just then connect with applicants. Fresher resumes might also be attached to your internship program, especially if you would like to work in the company at which you will render your internship. Infographic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they are sometimes effective when done well. Ruthless Resume Genuis Strategies Exploited If youre not certain what information ought to be included filling in the blanks will steer you through the procedure together with our help and tips. One of the absolute most productive approaches to create your resume is to incorporate a resume objective section at the topmost portion of your resume. After you have decided on who you wish to put in your reference list you must receive their permission. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. Try to remember, y oure not required to include your reason behind resigning in your letter. Its essential to note that resignation letters arent rants on why youre leaving your work or why youre unhappy by it. Your cover letter should state what you can do to help the organization. A resignation letter might appear unnecessary once youre moving on from work, but you should not walk away without submitting an official letter of resignation to your manager. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. The peak of your executive resumes very first page is deemed prime real estate. You can not ever be sure what the hiring manager prefers so you must go with your gut. You need to not just catch the hiring managers eyeyou have to make certain that they look over your statement and say Whew Although it isnt given you will find an opportunity to ask questions at the interview, theres a possibility that the interviewer might expect you t o ask some questions. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. In case you have any questions or comments, dont hesitate to comment below. Having a look at how others wrote their resumes can provide you some decent ideas. Nowadays, its a lot easier to create an ideal CV with the assistance of some relevant applications. Perhaps your skill set is totally different. Your resume or CV may be among the most important projects you ever design. In addition, you can give some examples of their achievements and great work supporting it by logical and great anecdotes. Life, Death and Resume Genuis There are geschftliches miteinanderes that dont only consider the technical part of an individuals qualifications. If for no other reason, obtaining the resume will enable you to easily finish all the on-line profiles teams require prospects to finish. M ake certain its tailored to not merely the position, but the business also. The administrative assistant position entails lots of responsibilities. Many employers take a formal letter as a portion of the exit process as evidence youre voluntarily terminating your employment. In addition to supplying solid reasons to recommend you, the recommendation letter would also offer anecdotes and a few examples of distinct scenarios so as to justify your qualities. It elucidates solid reasoning to help you get the opportunity. So as to save your time, there are numerous letter of recommendation templates available you can select from. The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Genuis The resume creator will ask you to put in your information into the blanks offering a detailed strategy to writing. Another alternative is to create a couple of variations of your executive resume to speak to every area of key interest. Simply speaking, if you would like your letter to endorse a powerful and positive i mage, be certain that it doesnt sound insincere. The letter ought to be written by the person who has supervised the candidate. What You Should Do About Resume Genuis Starting in the Next Ten Minutes So, My Resume Builder is invaluable in creating an awesome ready-to-go resume. My Resume Builder can help you create a fantastic resume with the aid of its tools. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few reasons.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Career Insider Story - Elise McFarlane, HR and People Culture Manager

Career Insider Story - Elise McFarlane, HR and People Culture Manager Elise McFarlane Group People Culture ManagerPosted August 29, 2017, by Jenny Sakr Recruitment, WHS, talent planning, performance management, inductions, coordinating geschftszimmer events... Its all in a days work for Elise at one of Australias largest e-commerce group, Lux Group Limited. Whats your current job title? For the past 18 months I have been the Group People What did you study to get into this field? I have a Bachelor of Psychology (Hons). I have always loved working with people What did you want to be when you were younger? When I welches younger I always wanted to be a teacher as I admired my teachers so much growing up. What was your first job? I was a waitress at a local restaurant called The Gardens during school. It was a great place to start When did you first know you wanted to go down the HR career path? When I was working in corporate psychology, I started to find that I really enjoyed the employment aspects of the job and could have a bigger impact on the entire employee experience end-to-end in HR Tell us what a typical day in the office is like for you No two days are the same HR is a service provider so you need to be willing to adapt to the business needs on a daily basis. Recruitment, workplace health and safety, talent planning, performance management, coaching line managers, organising office events, running training and development, complaints, employment agreements, awards and policy development are just some of the things that come up on a day at work What do you wish someone has told you before starting in HR? I feel I was fairly well prepared but perhaps just that so much of the role is out of your control in HR and you need to be willing to adapt to business changes. We are here to facilitate and support whatever the commercial and people priorities are Name a career highlight A real career highlight for me was when a team member took a photo of a recog nition card I gave her and posted it on social media. Although it took minimal time on my behalf, it had such a big impact on her. It is a humble reminder of the impact we can have on how people go home feeling after a day at work if we just reward and recognise them. Whats next for you? Looking to continue to build the brand and culture at Lux Group to be an employer of choice Kickstart your career in HR with our courses in Human Resources Enquire today.Human Resources ResourcesIT recruitment consultant sample resumeIT recruitment consultant sample cover letterInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerBusiness ManagerOffice AdministratorManagement ConsultantMarketing OfficerPopular Career Searcheshr courses perthhr management courses gold coastorganisational development coursesgovernment funded cert iv in human resourcegraduate certificate in employment law australiaHuman Resources CoursesDiploma of Work Health SafetyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Human Resou rcesEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Human ResourcesEnquire Online Enquire Online Jenny SakrJenny found her way with words while interning during uni, since, shes produced articles on it all from hair and beauty to homewares, travel, career advice and study tips. On a weekend youre fruchtwein likely to find her lining up for a table at the latest cafe or restaurant.Related ArticlesBrowse moreCoworkersEMPLOYER RESOURCESTop 8 team bonding exercisesWorkplace getting you down? Why not try Julias top 10 team building activities that could make every day feel like Friday.Human ResourcesWHS5 Reasons To Consider A Career In HRIf a business is a machine, then human resources (HR) is the grease that keeps it well oiled. Read on for five excellent reasons to consider making HR your vocation.JOB HUNTINGNetworkingLinkedIn 101 How To Make A Great LinkedIn ProfileLinkedIn can be a professional gold mine but many people arent making the most of it. We show you how to boost your profile and, in turn, your career.